LinkedIn Live: Dacia Coffey and Vance Reavie talk Marketing & AI

Dacia Coffey, CEO and founder of The Marketing Blender is an innovation leader in marketing. She’s been a great friend over the years, and played a big role as we’ve built Junction AI as one of our Advisors.

Today I joined Dacia on one of her incredible LinkedIn Live “Corporate Caffeine” sessions to talk about marketing and AI. Our goal? Get the straight talk on who should be looking at AI, how to understand it, and what it’s like to be an innovator in today’s hyper-competitive world.

If you think this doesn’t relate to you, you’re dead wrong. Join us to hear what’s really going on with AI, how small and mid-size companies CAN leverage this technology, and practical ideas about driving ROI in your digital efforts.

Watch here

Connect with Dacia on LinkedIn: – don’t miss her next live session!

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